

Currently sold out

If you would like to preorder a mirror please reach out using the “Contact Us” button found at the bottom of this page. We will place you on our waiting list for the next production run of our mirrors. Thank you!

Console Mirror

The console mirror is crafted from a beautiful selection of hardwoods that has been hand picked; the photo above is crafted from cherry. The mirror size is 8" x 10" inches and the overall length and height is 17" x 12" inches. All wood joints have been splined to ensure durability and craftsmanship. All mirrors have a natural clear finish on them. Each mirror has the ability to rotate up or down to accommodate various console locations. We've been selling these mirrors to organists for nearly 20 years and they seem to be very pleased with them. We cover the shipping costs associated with the mirror and will include an invoice in the box in which payment will be due upon receipt. If you wish to inquire about purchasing a console mirror feel free to reach out to discuss.

If you desire a custom mirror to be crafted for any reason please do not hesitate to contact our team. We at times build custom mirror sizes and have the ability to match the wood species and color of an existing organ console. Depending on the scenario and specifications the price will vary.

Thank you for reaching out!